Fallen Rider (A Lost Saxons Novel Book 7) Page 6
He tugs my head back further, granting him better access to my mouth and he continues to take me like a love-starved man. I want him, I want everything he’s offering and more.
When his tongue licks along the seam of my mouth, I part my lips to grant him access inside. He takes with the confidence I would expect of a man like Dane. There’s no stuttering, no hesitation—just a man determined to have his fill.
When his tongue dances with mine, my legs seem to lose all ability to hold traction. It’s only Dane’s grip on me that stops me from folding like wet tissue paper. He pulls me against his hard chest and I go willingly, my hands snaking under his arms and up his back to hold him close. Every synapse in my body is firing on full and I feel overwhelmed by the sensations washing over me.
When he finally pulls free of my mouth, it’s only so he can come up for air. He heaves in a breath and scans my face, looking for what I don’t know, but I figure I probably look blitzed right now. I am. I’m love-drunk.
“You okay?” he asks in a soft voice.
I nod and smile, a little dazed.
The fire is still raging through me.
He doesn’t release his hold on the back of my head, nor do I move to release myself. I don’t want to lose his touch.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you again,” he says, and my good mood dissipates.
I stare at him, hoping I convey how annoyed I am by his words.
He sighs. “Don’t look at me like that, darlin’.”
I push back from him and he immediately releases his hold on me, so I can step out of his orbit.
I raise my hand still clutching my phone and type. The silence that spans while I write my message is unbearable.
“Do you think it was a mistake?” I ask.
I hold my breath, not wanting the answer, but needing to know.
He shakes his head. “Fuck no. But we both know this, what we’re doing, raises difficulties. Your club, mine. The age gap…”
I don’t let him finish. I take the reins this time and stretch up to take his mouth, letting him know none of those things matter. For a moment, he lets me lead, lets me take control. Then, he gets impatient and takes over. He’s forceful, needy and I love it. His hands skim up my sides to rest on my hips and I find myself leaning into his body, needing to be close.
Our tongues duel with each other and our fingers brush over places they shouldn’t. I let out a pant when he thumbs over my nipple, wishing my sports bra and top were not in the way. Then he moves his hand lower and he cups my pussy through my running shorts. I draw a quick inhalation of breath. He meets my gaze and I see the question there. Is this okay?
I nod vigorously, letting him know I’m on-board with this and he rubs me harder through the thin material. My knickers are soaked and I feel the wetness building down there as he hits that sweet spot over and over. I’m panting heavily now as I grip his shoulders like he’s life-saving driftwood. He might well be the only thing keeping me anchored and upright.
I can feel my orgasm building, even though he hasn’t touched my skin yet. I had no idea this could be so erotic, but I was already turned on following our kiss. Now, I’m close to exploding.
When his thumb presses over my sex in just the right way, I come hard. My legs tremble and my head spins as the sensation of my orgasm hurtles through my body like a speeding train. He doesn’t stop his movement, continuing to rub circles over my sensitive spot until I can’t stand the sensations. They’re too much.
I grip his shoulders as I pant heavily, trying to regain my equilibrium.
Finally, he pulls his fingers away and gives me a reprieve. I want his fingers back, even though my pussy is pulsating.
“Okay?” he asks the question again.
I nod, unable to do anything else. I’ve never been brought to orgasm like that before, through my clothes. It was incredible. I want to kiss him, to thank him, but my brain is fried.
“Okay,” he mutters, then scrubs a hand down his face. There isn’t regret there, but maybe a hint of remorse. “Your brothers might just string me up by my balls for touching you,” he says, his fingers trailing over my cheek.
I type into my phone, “Regret it?”
He snorts. “Not even a little. I respect them, though.”
This makes me feel warm. I love that he feels this way about my brothers.
I reach for his shorts, intending to repay my epic orgasm by giving him a good time too, but he stops me. When I look at him with confusion he says, “I didn’t do it for anything in return, darlin’.”
I want to ask him what this all means, whether it means anything, but I’ve been around bikers my entire life. The moment they feel fenced in, they bolt. I don’t want this man to bolt, so I don’t ask.
He dips his head to mine. “I need to learn more fucking sign language, so we can talk properly.”
I smile at him. Knowing he wants to do this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I pull my phone out and type, “I can teach you.”
He kisses my cheek.
“I can think of other things I’d like you to teach me.”
Need pulsates between my legs, but I need to get hold of myself. As much as we want this, can we have it?
Slade’s words reverberate in my head, telling me this needs to stop, that we need to stop. It douses my excitement.
“Dane, what are we doing here?”
“I don’t know, but I do know it feels right.”
I nod, because I don’t know what else to say—mostly because I agree with him.
“I should stay away from you, Kenz, but I can’t. We’ll both pay for my weakness sooner or later.”
He kisses the corner of my mouth softly, then walks over to the weights bench. I want to stand there and appreciate his workout, but instead, I make my escape and head into the changing room to change my ruined underwear.
Chapter Eight
I glance around the common room, my heart cantering in my chest as I try and work out why Derek has summoned us all here. It’s been five days since we were put on lockdown, and I’m starting to get cabin fever. Working out has helped, but mainly because of the company in the gym. No one else seems to care or have time to get down there that early, so my uninterrupted mornings with Dane have become something I look forward to. I was surprised, therefore, not to see him there this morning. I have no idea why, but I have a feeling I’m about to find out, considering he’s standing a little behind Derek with Dax, his thick arms crossed over his chest.
“Given the severity of the situation that is going on,” Derek starts, and I take a moment to glance around the concerned faces of my friends and family, “I’ve had to make some pretty drastic decisions. It hurts me to say this, but I now realise Kingsley isn’t the safe harbour it’s always been for us.”
Slade, who is standing on his right side with Logan, grunts, and I shift my eyes towards him, surprised to see how pissed off he looks.
What crawled up his arse?
I return my attention to Derek as he speaks again, ignoring his VP.
“It wasn’t an easy decision to make, not by a long shot, but lockdown is just going to continue indefinitely at this rate and even if it doesn’t, we can’t guarantee anyone’s safety. The Reapers are resorting to some pretty underhanded methods of getting our attention, and that has me worried for everyone’s safety.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “So, I’ve arranged a safe haven with our friends and allies, the Devil’s Dogs. Until this shit with the Reapers is sorted enough that I deem it safe for you to return, you’re all going there.”
His words take a moment to sink in. Then the noise starts as everyone tries to talk at once.
Derek wants to send us away?
I try to make sense of what everyone is saying, but the noise is too much.
Derek yells for quiet and the room falls silent after a moment.
“Believe me, I know this decision isn’t popular. I’m not keen on having my family torn from me and sent w
here I can’t protect them either, but you staying here just puts you more at risk of someone dying. I don’t want to be burying anyone, so my decision stands.”
“How long will we be gone for?” Beth asks, and I slide my gaze from her to Derek.
“I don’t know.”
Her hands go to her belly. “I’m not taking my baby from his or her father, Derek.”
“You have to,” Logan says quietly, and I see the shock as Beth realises her husband isn’t going to take her corner here. Pain ripples across Logan’s face. “Believe me, love, I don’t like it either, but things are so hot here right now, I worry we’ll end up burying one of you girls.”
Beth swallows hard and sinks back into her seat, her hand resting on the swell of her stomach.
“This is crazy.”
“Crazy is doing nothing and expecting good results,” Jack speaks up.
His hair is flat to his head, his usual faux hawk not styled—a symptom of current events. I’ve never seen Beth’s father without his hair perfectly styled.
“We’re planning on going hard against the Reapers. No one wants you caught up in that.”
Liv’s eyes shift to Dean as she manoeuvres Danny on her lap. This isn’t the first time she’s been sent away, but she was only pregnant then. Now, she has a baby to think about.
Dean moves to her side and speaks quietly to her. I can’t hear what he says, but Liv nods, a small smile playing across her lips at his words.
“None of us like this,” Logan adds, “but we decided it’s the only way to keep everyone safe. The decision was unanimously reached by the entire executive committee.”
Meaning there’s no room for negotiation, but I’m not exactly thrilled about this turn of events, nor am I happy they just expect us to go along with what they’ve decided. What about what we want? The last thing I want to do is be shut off for God knows how long in some random place—not that I have work to worry about anymore, but that’s hardly the point.
It’s Jamie who voices my concerns.
“What if we refuse to go?” Jamie demands.
“Then you’re no longer welcome in this clubhouse,” Derek tells her, and I feel my stomach contract painfully at the brutality of his words, especially when her face crumples for a split-second before the shutters come down, locking her emotions behind closed walls.
Jamie’s always felt like an outsider, even though her dad was a member of the Club. She didn’t grow up here, so she’s never felt like she fit with the rest of us. Derek’s words will gut her and I want to punch him in the nose for saying it.
She doesn’t say anything else, but I notice my sister reaches out and squeezes Jamie’s hand. I’m glad she does, because no matter what arsehole thing Derek says, Jamie is and will always be one of us.
I wish, not for the first time, I could voice my disapproval, but I settle for a glare, which I hope conveys how much of a prick I think Derek is being right now. If he notices, he doesn’t show it.
“Derek, we can’t just leave our lives behind and pack up for an indeterminate time,” Clara says quietly. Clearly, Slade didn’t let her know this was coming.
“You’re staying. We can’t risk your job at the hospital.”
Her face darkens. “I’m not a tool at your disposal.”
“You’re part of this Club, which means you do whatever is needed.”
“I’m not—”
“You married Slade, let him put his patch on your back, girl. That makes you part of this fucking family. And being part of a family means you sometimes have to suck it up and take one for the team.”
She opens her mouth to say more, but Slade barks out, “Enough,” and she silences. It surprises me that she does, but from her expression, this isn’t over with yet. He’s in for a tongue-lashing the moment they’re alone.
“Is it just me or is everything turning to shit?” Sammy mutters.
I can’t help but agree with this assessment.
I sign, “What about work, about our homes? How are we supposed to keep paying the bills if we’re off in hiding?”
Derek watches my hands before he answers. “The Club’ll take care of anything you girls need. Now, Dax is going over and above to help us out here.”
He’s probably risking the wrath of his National Chapter, who told him explicitly not to get involved—at least according to what Dane told me.
“Don’t make shit difficult for him and his club. Charlie, King, Rabbit and Lucas are going with you. They’ll help the Devils keep you safe.”
Everyone else grumbles, but I’m secretly pleased. I’ll see more of Dane if we’re with his club, right?
“Go and pack. You have thirty minutes.”
“They’re not messing around,” Sofia mutters under her breath as we all get to our feet and head for the door.
The lads meet our gazes as we pass, defiant to the end, willing to do what they think is necessary to keep us safe. Is it, though? I don’t know. I don’t know what’s best at this juncture. All I know is the thought of being shut up again for more time makes my stomach roil. I can’t do more weeks of being behind closed doors, of no fresh air. I hope to hell this place has a gym, because I’m starting to enjoy the routine of an early morning workout.
I’m also wondering which of the Devils will be keeping us safe. As vice president, I’m guessing Dane will be busy with club matters, but I’m hoping he’ll be around some of the time.
Beth moves to Logan and he engulfs her in his arms, Liv and Danny are encapsulated by Dean while Jem, Weed, Wade and Ghost find their way to Piper, Chloe, Paige and Sammy. This is going to be tough, leaving the lads behind, wondering if they’re hurt—or worse. My eyes brim with tears but I don’t let them fall. Everyone has enough to worry about without me becoming a blubbering mess.
With no one’s arms to fall into, I follow Sofia and Cami from the room, Clara surprisingly on our heels. She rushes off up the corridor towards the officers’ rooms. A second later, Slade comes out of the common room and follows after her.
“That’s not going to end well,” Sofia says under her breath.
“He’s as stubborn as she is,” I sign.
“So, you get to come on our impromptu vacation.” Sofia smiles at Cami, her arm going around her shoulder. “Aren’t you a lucky duck.”
Cami shrugs. “I’d rather stay in a safe house than end up dead.”
This seems to sober my sister. Me too, if I’m being honest. I didn’t expect such frank words from the little redhead.
“I’ve been on the receiving end of a beating I thought was going to take my life,” Cami explains. “Believe me, I’m not looking to repeat it. If they think we’re safe out of town, then I’m sitting front and centre on the first bus out of here.”
Sofia stares at her a beat, then says, “You’re still too green to feel the agony of hearing the word ‘lockdown’.”
“They’re just trying to keep us safe.”
They are, but I wish they had a better method.
The gravelly rolling of my name has all three of us turning back towards the door and I see Dane standing there, looking, as usual, delectable.
I turn and sign to my sister and Cami—although I don’t think she can do British Sign Language yet. “I’ll catch you up.”
Sofia’s brow draws together and she eyeballs Dane before bringing her gaze back to me.
“If you’re more than ten minutes, I’m coming looking.”
My eyes roll. Sometimes, I think she forgets I’m the older sister.
I walk back to Dane, and glance over my shoulder, making sure we’re alone before I turn back to him, my eyes full of question.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
I nod, still frowning. Why did he stop me?
He runs a hand over his stubbled head. “This situation is fucked up, but I promise my club—me—I’ll take care of you and your family.”
I pull my phone out of my pocket and open the text-to-spea
k app. “We’re not your responsibility.”
His face contorts. “The fuck you’re not.”
Something swells inside me at his words.
“Look, I know you’re worried, but I swear to fuck, I won’t let anything touch you.”
And I believe him. I believe he won’t let anything touch me. The problem is can I keep my hands off him?
I’m not sure.
Chapter Nine
We leave the clubhouse in shifts. Liv and Beth go first with Jamie and Danny. Then Paige, Cami, Piper and Sammy. Me, Sofia and Mum leave in the late afternoon. The others follow after, I assume.
I have no idea where we’re going, but Lucas drives us in a large four by four, probably borrowed from one of the Club’s garages. He’s cautious as he manoeuvres the car, his gaze constantly sliding to the rear-view and side mirrors. It makes my own anxiety shoot through the roof. Is he expecting trouble?
“Why’d we get saddled with Lucas?” Sofia signs at me.
I shrug. I would have felt better with Rabbit or Charlie—even though Rabbit’s probation period was extended for failing the Club. Lucas is careless and I think he sees taking care of us as beneath him.
“Any idea where we’re going?” I sign back, my stomach twisting at the thought of what is to come.
I know my brothers wouldn’t allow us and our mother to be sent anywhere they didn’t think was safe, but the lack of knowing—and how fast we were packed up and shipped off—has my worry mounting.
“Fuck knows.” Sofia’s hands move a little sharp. She’s annoyed by this whole process. We all are. “When do those men ever tell us anything? We’re just expected to dance to whatever tune they play. It’s getting old.”
She’s not wrong, but maybe her anger is a little misplaced.
“They’re just doing what they think is right to keep us safe.”
Her eyes roll in her head.
“Like we’re annoyances that are just in their way.”
I don’t agree, but there’s no talking to my sister when she’s like this, so I let it go, my gaze going back to the side window. Mum hasn’t said much, which concerns me. Mary Harlow isn’t a woman who likes to keep her thoughts to herself. The fact she is has my anxiety ratcheting up at least another two notches.